Stern & Cohen is dedicated to representing clients in workers’ compensation cases throughout Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Our firm focuses exclusively on helping individuals who have been injured or become ill in the workplace, providing compassionate and effective legal assistance to clients in Harrisburg, Hershey, and beyond.

With a deep understanding of workers’ compensation law and extensive experience in the field, our attorneys are committed to helping injured workers navigate the complexities of the legal system and obtain the benefits they deserve. Whether you’ve suffered an injury in a construction accident, developed a work-related illness, or experienced any other type of workplace injury, Stern & Cohen is here to advocate for your rights and fight for the compensation you’re entitled to.

Dauphin County Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Our firm serves clients in communities across Dauphin County, including Harrisburg and Hershey, PA. We understand the unique challenges that injured workers face, and we are dedicated to providing personalized attention and tailored legal solutions to each client we represent.

If you’re seeking a top workers’ compensation lawyer in Dauphin County, look no further than Stern & Cohen. Contact us today at 215-999-1443 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you protect your rights and secure the benefits you need to move forward with your life.