Navigating the intricacies of Workers’ Compensation law in Pennsylvania requires seasoned expertise and compassionate guidance. At Stern & Cohen, we bring decades of experience to the table, dedicated to serving our community with unwavering commitment. We recognize the unique challenges individuals encounter when confronted with workplace injuries. Our mission is to provide comprehensive legal support and guidance, ensuring that every client receives the advocacy they deserve.

History of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation law has a rich and evolving history, deeply rooted in the need to protect workers and provide them with appropriate support in the event of workplace injuries. Dating back to the late 19th century, during the height of industrialization, the absence of structured legal frameworks left many workers vulnerable to exploitation and neglect in the aftermath of accidents. Prior to the establishment of Workers’ Compensation laws, injured workers often faced arduous legal battles to secure compensation, burdened with the task of proving employer negligence.

The pivotal moment in the history of Workers’ Compensation came with the introduction of comprehensive legislation, beginning with Wisconsin’s pioneering efforts in 1911. This legislation laid the groundwork for a paradigm shift in how workplace injuries were addressed, establishing a system where injured workers were entitled to timely medical treatment and compensation for lost wages, regardless of fault. The fundamental principle underlying Workers’ Compensation was to create a no-fault system, relieving workers of the burden of proving negligence and ensuring they received the support they needed to recover and return to work. Over time, this model spread across the United States, with each state refining and expanding upon the framework to better serve the interests of both workers and employers.

Modern Workers’ Compensation

Today, Workers’ Compensation laws have evolved significantly, ensuring that employees receive necessary benefits promptly in case of workplace injuries or illnesses. In Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, these laws are designed to cover medical expenses, lost wages, vocational rehabilitation, and even death benefits for dependents in the unfortunate event of a fatal accident.

Common Workers’ Compensation Injuries and Industries

At Stern & Cohen, we’ve seen a wide range of workplace injuries across various industries. Common injuries include:

  • Musculoskeletal Injuries: Strains, sprains, and fractures resulting from slips, falls, or lifting heavy objects are prevalent in industries like construction, manufacturing, and healthcare.
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries: Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis often affect employees in office settings, assembly lines, and jobs requiring repetitive motions.
  • Occupational Illnesses: Exposure to hazardous substances or environmental factors can lead to respiratory issues, skin conditions, and other long-term health problems in industries such as mining, chemical manufacturing, and agriculture.


At Stern & Cohen, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that workplace injuries can take on individuals and their families. With our dedication to client advocacy and extensive experience in Workers’ Compensation law, we stand ready to fight for your rights and provide the support you need to move forward with confidence.

Don’t let a workplace injury derail your life. Trust Stern & Cohen to be your steadfast ally in pursuing justice and securing the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you navigate the Workers’ Compensation process in Pennsylvania.