Most Common Types of Construction Accidents
The lawyers at Stern & Cohen frequently handle Workers’ Compensation claims arising from construction accidents. It is very important that you have a lawyer that is well-versed in construction site injuries. Worksites can be dangerous and there are common ways that construction workers become injured during employment.
Height-Related Accidents
Falls from heights, big or small, remain one of the biggest causes of occupational fatalities in the construction industry. 20% of fatalities occurred in the victims’ first two months on the job. Injuries from these falls are more likely to be life-threatening than most other types of injuries. Falling objects, overexertion, or machine accidents, are more likely to injure a part of the body. Whereas a fall can easily affect the entire system and vital organs. Falls are not the most common cause of injury, but the leading cause of death.
Demolition Accidents
Since there is more than one way to tear a building down, contractors have a duty to choose the correct method for the type of structure being demolished. Unfortunately, site owners may opt for the quickest and cheapest method rather than the safest. Knocking down a building or conducting renovations can be dangerous to not only the public but to the individuals on the job. Electrical accidents, falling debris, and ceiling collapses are just a few mishaps that can occur with extensive reconstruction.
Fires & Explosions
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) published data that explained between 2013-2017, resident fire departments responded to a projected average of 3,840 fires in structures under construction and 2,580 fires in structures under major renovation per year. Factors contributing to the ignition of fires in structures under construction include:
- Electrical failure or malfunction
- Abandoned, discarded material
- Heat source too close to combustibles
- Unclassified misuse of materials
- Equipment unattended
- Failure to clean
Injuries from fires and explosions are often severe. Injured workers in this way may be disabled and disfigured for the rest of their lives.
Crane & Forklift Accidents
Forklifts and cranes are essential pieces of equipment for many workers in the construction industry. Although it makes the job of the individual much easier, it also increases the risk of injury. First, if the equipment is not properly cared for and maintained, it can malfunction.
Cranes can come in all shapes and sizes. Various factors include but are not limited to:
- Cables that snap and break
- Unstable loads
- The collapse of the arm of the crane
Forklift accidents are an all-too-common occurrence on constructions sites. Usual reasons for an accident of this magnitude include:
- Overloading the weight limit
- Operator error
- Obstacles in the way or driver having difficult vision clearing a pathway
Slip & Fall
Slip and fall accidents can happen in any workplace. Ranging from a corporate office to a warehouse. Many, if not all, of these appalling accidents could have been prevented if the employer provided appropriate training and guaranteed all employees were using the necessary fall-prevention gear. Common causes of slip and fall accident include:
- Uneven surfaces, including worn or loose floorboards
- Wet or slippery surfaces caused by spills
- Poor lighting
- Stray cords
- Debris on the floor
Seek Help From a PA Workers’ Compensation Attorney
It is important to have a lawyer with experience in handling construction accident Workers’ Compensation claims in Philadelphia. Insurance companies will often try to take advantage of construction workers by directing them to inadequate medical treatment and facilities to get a quick opinion that someone can return to work.
Insurance companies may also try to prevent construction workers from getting all the injuries covered, e.g., paying medical bills for the knee but not the low back. They may also fail to include your overtime pay in determining how much your workers’ compensation lost wages should be. It is also common for insurance companies to argue that the construction worker can return to “light duty” when we know there is no such work on commercial construction sites.
Do not be intimidated by large construction outfits and insurance carriers – at Stern & Cohen, we will take on any defendant with no fear of litigation or expensive case costs. We will do what it takes to win.
If you or a loved one have fallen victim to a construction accident, call us at (215) 999-1443 or contact us by using the assistant or by filling out our contact form. Free case evaluation.