Founded in 2020 by David Stern and Taylor Cohen, Stern & Cohen is a prominent workers’ compensation law firm based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With a steadfast commitment to representing injured workers throughout the entire commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Stern & Cohen has established itself as a trusted advocate in the legal landscape.

Our Founders, David Stern & Taylor Cohen

David Stern and Taylor Cohen, both seasoned practitioners in workers’ compensation law, joined forces to create a firm dedicated to providing personalized and effective legal representation to those in need. With their wealth of experience and unwavering dedication to their clients’ well-being, Stern & Cohen quickly garnered a reputation for excellence within the legal community.

Humble Beginnings on Floor 34

For the first three years of the firm’s operations, Stern & Cohen worked from the 34th floor of Two Commerce Square on Market Street, establishing a strong presence in the heart of Philadelphia’s bustling business district. However, as the firm continued to expand and thrive, the need for larger accommodation became apparent.

The Big Move

In May 2023, Stern & Cohen moved just a few floors down, relocating to the 26th floor of Two Commerce Square. This marked a significant milestone in the firm’s journey. The move not only provided ample space for the firm’s growing team but also presented an opportunity to redesign the entire floor to reflect the character and professional standards of Stern & Cohen.

The renovation of Suite 2600 was approached with meticulous attention to detail, aiming to create an environment that embodies the values and ethos of Stern & Cohen. From modern and welcoming reception areas to state-of-the-art conference rooms equipped to handle the complexities of legal proceedings, every aspect of the redesign was tailored to enhance the client experience and facilitate the delivery of exceptional legal services.

Stern & Cohen, Today

Today, Stern & Cohen stands as a testament to dedication, expertise, and client-centered service. From its humble beginnings in 2020 to its current stature, the firm has undergone remarkable growth and transformation. With a team of seven accomplished attorneys, a robust leadership team, and a continuously expanding staff, Stern & Cohen continues to uphold its commitment to providing unparalleled legal representation to injured workers across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As the firm looks ahead, it remains steadfast in its mission to advocate tirelessly for the rights of its clients and to ensure that justice is served with compassion and integrity.